Web application for sRNAnalyzer
This is a demo for the sRNAnalyzer. Please upload small RNA sequencing data less than 48 samples (less than 50GB) for each project. A project will be stored in our server for one month and then deleted automatically unless requested for further analysis. An AWS cloud server for the pipeline is on the way. We are expecting to lauch it November, 2017. Thanks for your patience!
The web application is based on the folowing softwares:
- amqp==1.4.6
- anyjson==0.3.3
- argparse==1.3.0
- bcrypt==3.1.3
- billiard==
- blinker==1.3
- celery==3.1.18
- cffi==1.10.0
- cutadapt==1.14
- Flask==0.10.1
- Flask-Mail==0.9.1
- gunicorn==19.7.1
- importlib==1.0.3
- itsdangerous==0.24
- Jinja2==2.7.3
- kombu==3.0.26
- MarkupSafe==0.23
- mysql-connector==2.1.4
- ordereddict==1.1
- pycparser==2.17
- pytz==2015.4
- redis==2.10.3
- six==1.10.0
- Werkzeug==0.10.4
- xopen==0.2.1