
A pipeline for small RNA sequencing data analysis

Getting Started with sRNAnalyzer

Download and Install Dependencies

Make sure you have python 2.6 or later and perl 5 or later installed.

Download and install bowtie. Make sure the bowtie command is in your system path. Note: bowtie 2 is not supported in sRNAnalyzer.

Download and install the fastx_toolkit, following the instructions on the website. Download the fastx 0.0.14 version. Make sure the command fastx_collapser is in your system path.

Download and install cutadapt. This requires python 2.6 or later and a C compiler. The easiest way to install cutadapt is using pip following the instructions on the cutadapt website. Make sure the cutadapt command is in your system path.

Download and Setup sRNAnalyzer

Download sRNAnalyzer. Unzip the downloaded archive. You may want to add the sRNAnalzyer directory to your system PATH so you can use the sRNAnalyzer commands directly. Next, we need to download some databases for alignment. There are three options for databases to download: a small RNA database, a database with human DNA and RNA, as well as some bacterial sequences, and the NCBI non-human database. The latter two databases are quite large (> 70GB uncompressed), so it is recommended to begin with the sRNA database. The installation procedure for all three databases is the same. First, download one of the databases and unzip the archive. Open the DB_config file and change the line

base: Insert the path to this folder here

by inserting the full path to the folder. For example,

base: /databases/bowtie/indexes/sRNA_DBs

Looking at the DB_config, you should see a list of database names with paths. These databases are the ones that you can use in your pipeline now. It is also possible to add many new databases to the pipeline by downloading or building bowtie indexes and specifying their location in the database configuration file. For more information, see the Configuration File Documentation Now you're ready to begin using the pipeline.

Using the Pipeline

In order to use the pipeline, we need to create a pipeline configuration file, which specifies preprocessing setting, such as adapter sequences, and alignment settings such as database order and maximum mismatch allowances. Go to the Config Docs to learn how to create a configuration file with the settings required for your project.

An typical pipeline configuration file is shown below,

  kit:        NEB
  gzip:       true
  stop-oligo: false
  type: single
  human_miRNA:     2
  human_miRNA_sub: 2
  human_piRNA:     2
  human_snoRNA:    2


Using a terminal, change the directory so that the fastq or fast.gz files you wish to process are in the current working directory. In order to run preprocessing, run the command

/Downloads/sRNAnalyzer/ --config pipeline_config.conf

where pipeline_config.yaml is your pipeline configuration file, and /Downloads/ is replaced with wherever your sRNAnalyzer folder is located. Or if you have added the sRNAnalyzer directory to the system PATH, then simply use --config pipeline_config.conf

The preprocessing will generated sample_Processed.fa files that have had adapter trimmed, low-quality reads filtered out, and collapsed. Additional report files are also generated with information about adapter trimming and read quality.


To perform the alignment, ensure that your database and pipeline configuration files are properly setup. After downloading the initial human small RNA databases, the databases available for alignment, which can be specified in the pipeline configuration file are,


Then, making sure that you are in the directory containing the _Processed.fa files you wish to align, run the command

/Downloads/sRNAnalyzer/ /home/data pipeline_config.yaml DB_config.conf

or /home/data pipeline_config.yaml DB_config.conf

if you have added sRNAnalyzer to the system PATH

In the command, pipeline_config.yaml is the pipeline configuration file and DB_config.conf is the database configuration file.

The align command will output several files, including feature files, profile files, a read distribution file, and an unmatched sequences file.


The next step in the pipeline is the summarization of the results of the alignment in order to prepare for statistical analysis of the data. An example summarization command is, DB_config.conf --project my_project

This command will sum the feature and profile result from individual samples into result files for all samples. my_project is the name of the project, so all of the result files with start with the prefix my_project_. The general form of the summarize command is, <db-config-file> <sample-order-file> --project <project-name>

where the db-config-file is required, and the sample-order-file and project-name are both optional. The db-config-file is the database configuration file discussed above, and the sample-order-file specifies the order of the samples in the result files. If the sample order file is not provided, the order is alphabetical. The command has two additional options, --miRNA and --exogenous. Use the --miRNA flag if you would like to summarize miRNA separately and get information about possible miRNA SNPs. Use the --exogenous flag if you would like to summarize exogenous reads, including summarizing by taxonomy information. Note that the --exogenous option is only available if the MainDBs or NCBI_NonHuman databases are installed.